I recently took my female Chihuahua because she had something …

Comment on What to do when you think your vet made a mistake by Ryan Kinsella-Harmon.

I recently took my female Chihuahua because she had something hanging on her private parts. The vet examined her and told me that she had a serious and critical infection in her uterus and needed either surgery that would exceed about $5,000.00 or I would need to euthanize her. This was without a ultra sound and just her opinion after a brief exam. I told the vet that I was taking my baby home and I needed to spend time with her, I was in no hurry to let her go, even if she was 14 years old. The Vet did not think that was a good idea and said ” Do you want to watch as her uterus may Rupture right in front of You?” I told her I am taking my baby home. The next day the thing hanging on her, actually went back inside of her and she was perfectly fine. My baby was acting normal before and after she went to the vet and she did not seem sick at all. There was no way I was going to have that Euthanize done. I called the vet and told her my baby was fine and I was so glad I did not listen to her. I believe we need to listen to our babies and also get a second opinion. I will never go to that Vet ever again. I felt that she could have been more careful and it seemed money was the motive here.