Tell us in Ten with Ror Paradise!

In the latest of our series of mini interviews with friends of The Ralph Site we received some very insightful feedback from our feline friend Ror Paradise, who shares a different perspective and enlightens us with some wise words of advice for anyone experiencing the loss of a much-loved companion.

“The following words have been submitted on behalf of Ror by his human skivvy.”

1. Do you currently share your home with any pets? If so, please tell us about them.

I have discussed this question with my fellow ‘overlords’, and I have to say that opinion is divided; we all agree that ‘pets’ is not quite the right word; underlings, skivvies, can-openers or gofers seem to be more appropriate…

2. What was the name of your first pet?

I can’t really remember my first ‘pets’ – they were not the attentive and caring companions I had hoped for. The best word I can find for them in the circumstances is ‘neglectful’.

3. Why did you choose that name?

It seems fair, considering they left me straying in the snow when I went seeking lady cats…

4. Cats, dogs or another species? Can you choose? And why?

Well duh!  Cats, of course! Specifically this cat, ME!

5. What is your favourite memory of an animal who has shared your life?

Being rescued from the snow and brought ‘home’ by my underlings with their cosy beds, cuddles and fireplace.

6. Which three words would you choose to describe him?

Pushover snuggle-buddy.

7. What is your favourite fictional animal and why?

Fiction is not really our thing, but we have loved following the exploits of our real life hero ‘my sad cat’.  Run free dear The Bear (he passed just recently). And much love to his underling too x

8. If you could be any animal, which one would you choose and why?

Well me, of course!  Why be anyone else when you are already perfect?

9. What advice would you give to someone grieving for a much-loved pet?

Dear underlings, please be gentle with yourselves in your grief.  Please bring comfort to yourself and a new friend as soon as you feel able – rescue a soul in need if you possibly can.  Nobody can ‘replace’ your departed friend, but your care is needed by so many others who have become ‘lost’.

10. When and how did you first come across The Ralph Site? What do you think is the most important role of The Ralph Site community?

I was introduced to The Ralph Site by a friend of a friend many moons ago. Kinship is the most important role this wonderful community fulfils.  Many ‘real world’ friends do not understand the bond between species, but members of this lovely group offer non-judgemental and authentic support to others in their grief; and many real friendships are created between like-minded souls who meet this way.

We’ll be featuring regular mini-interviews with friends of The Ralph Site in future; so do keep an eye out every first and third week of each month!

Until next time, very best wishes from Shailen and The Ralph Site team
The Ralph Site, non-profit pet loss support

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