With warmer weather on the way, this is the time of year when many pet carers become aware of the persistent problem of parasites. Because no matter how clean your home is, or how fastidiously your pet grooms, at some point fleas and worms invariably rear their bitey little heads!
If you see your pet scratching excessively, notice small scabs and spots on their skin, or find small brown specks of flea dirt in their fur (particularly round their bottoms), then you may have a flea problem. Fleas live and feed on pets – females lay eggs on the host animal, which then drop off into your pet’s bed or favourite resting spot. Therefore it’s important to treat your home with a thorough vacuuming, followed by the application of specially formulated flea spray, in addition to treating your pet.
Fortunately, there are a number of highly effective flea treatments available, so you’re sure to find one that works for you and your pet. The safest and most effective products can be obtained from veterinary practices and pharmacies and it is very important to make sure that you only use the right products designed for your specific pet:
Every year vets treat many cats that have been inadvertently poisoned by being treated with dog products.
Rabbits do not tend to suffer with worms, whilst the most common in cats and dogs are:
Looking like strings of spaghetti or elastic bands, they are picked up from the environment, as well as being passed from animal to animal, and possibly on to the two-legged members of the household! Roundworm eggs are almost invisible to the human eye, so can be difficult to spot.
You may find segments of these worms excreted in your pet’s faeces (they look like flattened grains of rice). Tapeworms are transmitted by an intermediate host, such as a passing flea, and therefore it is advisable to treat your pet against both worms and fleas.
However, no worm control will prevent re-infestation; the products only kill worms already present rather than providing protection against future problems. Therefore it is recommended that you treat your pet regularly, especially if he or she hunts or scavenges.
And don’t forget, if you need further advice on any aspect of parasite control, your vet will be only too happy to recommend solutions that suit your pet’s lifestyle.
Thanks as always,
The Ralph Site
Please note: The Ralph Site is not affiliated with the third-party organisations in any of the links shared here, and the views, ideas and suggestions expressed in this and other blogs are simply shared with the intention of helping you, our friends, take care of the special animals in your lives.