Hi my beloved dog Misty was 14 her eyesight and …

Comment on When you were not able to say goodbye to your pet by Margaret.

Hi my beloved dog Misty was 14 her eyesight and hearing was starting to fail last year we nearly lost her she took sick and vet scanned her to find she had liver cancer but steroids quickly made her come around and we got another year with her.
Last weekend on my birthday as I pulled up in the car my daughter opened the door of house and she must have sneaked out with out been noticed and was behind the car and I drove over her and killed her my heart is broke as I looked after her so well and kept her safe from any danger.
Sometimes in life I always believe things happen for a reason she was failing away with her weight the past month.
The week before my birthday she was acting strange not settling in the house and been very clingy to me the nite before she died she was lying looking at me in front of the fire where she loved and I was talking to my husband about her the whole nite about when she wouldn’t be here and how much we would miss her.
Little did I no what was around the corner 😭 maybe she knew her time was up and she took it upon herself that morning to go the way she wanted and decided it had to be me to do it.
Will we ever no just heartbroken