Comment on What to do when you think your vet made a mistake by Nabz.
To all the pet parents who have lost their little companions. I am so very sorry. I had a terrible experience at the vets. My guinea pig was booked to get a castration done, it was suppose to be a straightforward procedure. After having is castration done his testicles were infected where the vets had to drain them and precibe him medication. A week after my Guinea pig developed a big lump by where he was castrated. I phoned the vets to explain what I discovered, the vets told me to come in and decided to wanted to operate on the lump ( they actually butchered him up) they discharged him that day and again precibed more medication. The medication had no affect on Guinea. After a week something poped out his stomach I rushed him to the vets and again they decided to operate on him again in such short space. They kept him in all day and updating me. 8:20pm they called me to say he passed away. I am extremely upset about this and since have not been myself.