Thank you so much for this website. My beloved …

Comment on Coping with anniversaries and special days when a pet dies by Virginia Urani.

Thank you so much for this website. My beloved Cullen passed away on January 7, 2022. He had kidney disesase but had been responding well to his biweekly saline treatments and special foods. BUT, he suddenly weakened and I didn’t realize it with all the holiday activities and the fact that he had been doing so well. When I realized he was doing so poorly, I knew the time was getting close and my vet was to come out in the late afternoon to put him to sleep. BUT, he died in the early afternoon and I was with him … though I am not sure he knew it. All the trauma and sadness of that day has been returning over the past few days and weeks. I miss him so very much. He slept curled up in the crook of my arm every night for over 7 years. He was a rescue with only 3 legs … I don’t know his age or history. I think he was an older kitty in fact I think he was an old soul. I miss him so so much.