Comment on Writing your pet loss grief by s williams.
I still have not got over the loss of my little man toto, it has been 2 months now and i still cannot walk down the pet isle in a supermarket.It hurts so much and every time i think of him which is every day all day, i still cry, we have his ashes in an urn next to our other cat,but when i look at pictures of him i just know he was suffering before we took action, although the vet kept saying he was not as his owner i knew he was, by his attitude and the way he stopped doing things, i am beating myself up over the fact i did not end his suffering sooner and am finding the guilt unbearable, but i listened to the vet and now wish i had not,will this ever get better , and will it ease enough for me to have positive feelings of him because at the moment i just feel guilt?