I’m glad you liked the article, Jill, and I hope …

Comment on Writing your pet loss grief by Emma Heasman.

I’m glad you liked the article, Jill, and I hope you find it helpful. I have been a bit slack with my own daily writing but I feel like it’s something I want to get back to because it really is a good outlet. Do let me know how you get on – I’m always hanging around in The Ralph Site Facebook group. Wishing you the very best and much love to your beautiful Dylan.

Recent Comments by Emma Heasman

Loving a reactive dog means grieving the dog you thought you would have
Hi Pat

Congratulations on bringing a lovely dog into your home. It can be quite an adjustment, can’t it? I’m not a vet or behaviourist but if your dog is reacting suddenly to your daughter, it might be worth just getting a full vet check as sometimes there can be underlying issues such as pain that prompt reactions. We discovered over the summer that our Willow has a calcified tendon in her shoulder and elbow dysplasia in both elbows, so the pain could be a factor in her reactivity.

Definitely check out the CARE protocol. Using this, we have gone from Willow reacting almost a football field’s distance away from other dogs to being able to walk past them on the opposite pavement. The great thing about this approach is that it’s force-free and great for building trust, which is so important for all dogs, but especially those who’ve had a difficult start in life. If you can find a good force-free behaviourist too, it can help so much, especially with managing your dog’s behaviour around your daughter.

I wish you well with everything and I’m so pleased you found this article helpful. I know it helps me to know I’m not alone on this journey!

Loving a reactive dog means grieving the dog you thought you would have
Hi Kirsty

I am so sorry that you have had to face this heartbreaking decision. It’s clear that you love your dog very much and have acted with his best interests, and those of your children, despite the grief it has caused you. Well done for finding your dog a calmer home more suited to his personality – despite our best attempts, sometimes we’re not the right fit with our animal companions and you’ve been brave to recognise this.

Have you read this article from The Ralph Site too: https://theralphsiteshop.com/rehoming-a-pet-how-to-cope-with-the-grief/

I truly believe that until someone has lived with a reactive dog, they can’t understand what it’s like and how it can impact every aspect of your life. Hopefully, with time, you will be able to move forward and recognise that your dog is well, happy and safe and that your kids are too.

For now, be kind to yourself.

Loving a reactive dog means grieving the dog you thought you would have
Hi Stephen. I am so sorry to hear that you’re facing the highs and lows of life with a reactive dog at the moment. It can be tough, can’t it? Have you had a look at the resources mentioned in the blog? They’ve been a lifeline for me. Also, I recommend Janet Finlay’s fantastic book, “The other end of the lead”. Do you have any secure fields near you that you can hire? I can’t tell you how fantastic it is to have a day a week when I don’t have to look for triggers and I can just enjoy Willow getting to be a dog without any stress.

Loving a reactive dog means grieving the dog you thought you would have
Hi Lara – It sounds like your three dogs are very lucky to have you. Having a reactive dog makes everything so complicated, doesn’t it? I totally understand the feeling of not wanting Bailey to miss out but also not wanting to compromise life for your non-reactives too. I believe the advice is always to walk reactive dogs separately from non-reactives in the household. This is because reactivity can be catching and because, as you’ve mentioned, handling multiple dogs when one is reacting can be chaos. Have you had a chance to look at the CARE protocol mentioned in the article? This is all about changing the reactive dog’s emotional response to scary things. It works but it takes time. If you’re in the UK, I really recommend joining the RDUK Community and Campaign Group on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1633448230248202) – they help me so much. There’s also a group called Dog Training and Support that may be able to help with advice about multi-dog households. I wish I had more advice to give you. All I can say is that I totally understand and my heart goes out to you. Having a reactive dog is lonely and worrying at times.

Loving a reactive dog means grieving the dog you thought you would have
Hi Dawn. Sorry for the late reply. How are you and Jake now? I just wanted to say that I understand exactly how you feel and I know how lonely it can be. Have you thought about looking for a force-free behaviourist to help you with Jake?

Have you had a look at the CARE protocol I linked to in the article. Using CARE, Willow has gone from reacting at a football pitch distance away to dogs and some humans to being able to walk past at a distance of 5-10 metres without a reaction. It’s a slow process but it definitely helps. In the UK, we’re starting to see more secure fields that we can hire out for safe off-lead time for reactive dogs? Is there anything like this in LA? I know there’s an app called Sniff Spots that’s trying to offer dog carers secure spaces for their dogs in the US.

Honestly, I’m realising that lots of dogs struggle with dog parks, so don’t feel bad about taking a break from those. Can you do enrichment activities at home? This can help to tire out energetic dogs while giving them some time off from all the scary stuff outside. Also, try Googling an activity called ACE freework. It’s a lovely, aversive-free activity for our reactive dogs.

Above all, make sure you look after yourself. I totally understand how sad and lonely you feel. You’re doing a great job.