Comment on When you were not able to say goodbye to your pet by Lee Becky.
I took my little man Ziggy in to the vets to make a booking to have a few warts removed and have his teeth cleaned , my vet opened his mouth to find he was jaundice ,
Ziggy had bloods taken and scans done to find his gall bladder needed to be removed ,he went in on Friday and.came home Saturday ,he was ok but Sunday afternoon he was a bit quiet , Monday morning we were back at the vets cause he had fluid building up in his abdomen ,
The vet opened him up again but it wasn’t nice ,he flushed his abdomen out ,11 o’clock that night I got the call my darling boy had passed away, I never got to see him after his operation
I’m not coping , crying all the time, I have another dog and she’s sad and is looking out of the window ,
This is the worse feeling in the world