Thinking of my dog that passed away 3 years ago. …

Comment on Photos and grief: Are you struggling to look at photos of your lost pet? by PoodleDad.

Thinking of my dog that passed away 3 years ago. His health was failing him due to old age and he lost so much muscle and was in pain, it seemed he couldnt even sleep without making noise due to pain, he had a couple issues related to old age which were causing him discomfort. We went to a couple vets, even went to a specialist 12 hours away. All basically said he was simply older and nothing could really be done besides keep him comfortable.

My wife and I were scared to put him to sleep because we loved him so much, but then decided that because we loved him so much it was our responsibility to ease his pain. He was 17, what a great poodle he was. He brought so much joy into our life and is a part of our hearts. I miss that boy dearly. We worried over the decision for weeks. Toward the end I took care of him day and night, even stayed up many nights to ensure he slept comfortably. He couldnt walk far anymore, he used to love long walks, so I would then carry him while we walked so he could see the sights and smell the air.

The morning we had a vet come over to have him put to sleep over the ocean as the sun was shining and seagulls making noise and waves coming in making the splash noise as the small waves break, I kissed his cheek, told him I love him and prayed . He licked my face for the last time as if to wish us farewell. Took everything I had to not break down. He slipped into the next life as he lay in my wifes lap and we pet him and kissed his head. I held his paw. I still remember it like it was yesterday, I feel it too. When his heart stopped my heart sunk in my stomach. My wife was inconsolable. She loved him more than anything and he loved her as well, they had a tight bond.

I find myself watching old videos and looking at old pictures often of that boy and initially I laugh because of him doing funny things and how he acted and his personality, then the tears start because I realize how much we miss him in our lives. Its not the same without him. He brought a high level of joy to our lives that only a dog can. Dogs in general are amazing animals, but when one bonds with you its truly like a child, anyone who has a dog they love knows what I mean. At this point the best can hope for is that God will allow us to be with him in the afterlife. If so, this will be the greatest gift I would ever receive. Until we meet again my friend, I hope your spirit is flying high and with God and I hope we made the right choice. Farewell my friend, thanks for adding so much joy to my life. You are sorely missed on a daily basis. We will never forget you.