Comment on Staying connected: Your continuing bonds with a pet who has died by Jasmine Sterling.
Hello Pippa. I so totally relate. I felt exactly the same way when the love of my life crossed over on July 29. He was my baby cat that I had since he was 4 weeks old. Then he morphed into my best friend and the more I experienced our loving bond together, being that I’m single, he fit the bill for the perfect boyfriend substitute. I used to call him my husband at times because he protected me and was the most loyal being I ever met. We just adored one another. I hope you are feeling better now. I do, as I make sure to feel him and think of him often. I also hear his meows, sometimes very loud when I’m waking up, or right afterwards. I’ve been blown away at how much he lets me know he’s around me, and loving me still. Please feel free to message me if you get this post, which I doubt you will. I am actually writing a book about what I’ve done to keep so connected to him and ways to help transform grief. Either way. Much love on your journey moving forward ….