I’ve recently lost my pet tortoise, Terri. She was a …

Comment on Dealing with flashbacks after the death of your pet by Kilie-ann.

I’ve recently lost my pet tortoise, Terri. She was a red footed tortoise, which they live about 40ish years. We only had her for 15 sadly. We have a pond in our front yard where she lives. My mom found her in our pond after 5 years (when we built the pond) of her never going near it. I have her lifeless body and the way my mom screamed ingrained in my head, and it pops up at night. Not quite sure how I can cope with it, I can’t talk about her without crying.

I also lost my pet gecko to sickness about a year ago, all of it is stuck in my head. I can’t talk about her either.

Any advice about dealing with it would be much appreciated. All the flashbacks happen at night. I know they are flashbacks, I’m never… reliving it, but it’s like a thought they won’t go away. Once it starts I can’t get it out of my head and it causes either a crying episode or a panic attack.