This is helpful as are the other stories of pet …

Comment on Pet loss and self-forgiveness by Lindsey.

This is helpful as are the other stories of pet grief. I ran over my 8 month old chihuahua mix puppy this morning as I was taking my daughter to school. His name was Javier and he was playing in the yard with our other dog like any other morning, I saw him behind us but he started following us (his usual routine but always stayed away from the car) and before I knew it he ran under the car. I immediately stopped after it happened, picked him up and ran to my Mom’s house next door. He was already gone. He was such a great companion. He slept in bed with me and my husband, was so playful and lovable. I feel so guilty because I shouldn’t have let him out, I should’ve paid more attention, so many ways I could’ve prevented this. It’ll take a long time to get over but I’m trying to tell myself how much he was loved and how happy his short life was.