I accidently ran my poor Bella over yesterday. I got …

Comment on Pet loss and self-forgiveness by Leesha.

I accidently ran my poor Bella over yesterday. I got my son in his carseat and she must’ve slipped out the door without me realizing cos I had my son in my arms and the diaper bag..I backed out and I felt it all. I didn’t realize what I ran over at first and I knew it felt different than anything I’ve ever felt while driving before. Never did i expect to see my dog. I’ve had her for 13 years. She’s seen me through my teen years into marriage and two children. How could I have not noticed she got out?! The guilt is…I cant even describe it. Ive never felt guilt like this before. This article definitely helped me. I feel im going to be rereading it a lot. Its probably what is going to get me through this.