Or a three-legged friend…or a two-legged friend…or a feathered winged friend…or a scaly friend etc.!
It can’t have escaped anyone’s notice that Valentine’s Day is almost upon us. Popular the world over (especially with card manufacturers and florists!), the 14th of February has come to symbolise the expression of romantic love. First associated with an early Christian Saint Valentinus of Rome, who is believed to have been imprisoned for carrying out wedding ceremonies for soldiers forbidden to marry, it was not until medieval times that Valentine’s Day really became popular.
Recent years have seen the increasing availability of cards for pets, no surprise given that most of us with pets in our lives will happily admit to being head-over-heels in love with them! The love we get from our pets is unconditional – a truly special thing in our modern, and often impersonal, world. They ask nothing from us and yet we’re happy to give so much – space on the best sofa, a favourite jumper to sleep with, and most precious of all, our time.
And whilst we don’t have to spend money to show someone that we care, because we also know that sometimes we all like to give a token of our love as a gift, here are our favourite treats for the one you love this Valentine’s Day, each costing just a few pounds:
- Chocolate always goes down well, but don’t be tempted to share your own, it is toxic to pets. Instead, why not try this inexpensive treat
- Give your heart away to your small animal friends, with these tasty treats
- Perfumes and smellies are another popular choice for the lady in your life – your feline friend will love you forever if you treat her to these
- Or how about a stylish accessory to brighten up the cold February days?
- And then there’s perhaps the ultimate Valentine’s gift, a ring
However you are celebrating, and who ever you are spending it with, we wish you and your loved ones a very happy Valentine’s Day!
Until next time,
With very best wishes from Shailen and The Ralph Site team