Comment on How long will I feel like this? by michele brown.
I follow you on FB and often reply to those who seem to feel the way I do, even though my Susie left us in October 2012. We lost her literally within 2 days of her suddenly showing signs of what we now know was Addison’s Disease (she had a seizure on the Monday evening which they called an Addison’s Crisis), we took her to our vet hospital, brought her back home while they waited for results (we did not want her away from us) and on the Wednesday just after I returned from work (I still am convinced that she waited for me to come home) she passed away in her basket (she lost the use of her legs the day before) surrounded by all of us. Saddest day ever and I think that I feel it the most of all the family is because on the Friday I was diagnosed with breast cancer and couldn’t cope for ages because all I wanted was Susie beside me as she was very intuitive when things were wrong and I just know that she would have helped me through by just being next to me. I also have feelings of guilt that we didn’t know anything was wrong with her as it happened so fast – but I will never ever forget my beautiful girl we had her for almost 10 years from a rescue and thank goodness she had a happy life with us for that I am very pleased. xx