Comment on Grieving the loss of a rabbit by Heather.
I am so thankful to come across this site. I lost my Addy Boo Sept 26 this year and I feel like nobody understands how devastated I am. The world just kept right on turning after Addy passed away but my world stopped because she was my world. She was absolutely the most perfect bunny ever. She was so loving and gentle and socialable with everyone she met. She had free roam of our house from day 1 and potty trained really fast (which allowed for the free roam 24/7). She would follow me around the house, flop down and sleep next to me in bed, run figure eight between my legs. I work part time in the mornings and when i get home 9 out of 10 times she was waiting by the door for me to greet me and if no I would call for her, I would say “boo boo where are you” and she would honk and come running from the other room and i would lay on the floor and give her pets, lots and lots of pets. I am lost without her. I cry for her everyday. The onlt thing that keeps me moving is knowing she is with my daughter in heaven. [ I love you Boos Boos. ]