Comment on Grieving the loss of a rabbit by Deb.
Thanks for keeping this site. I lost my Patchouli earlier today, a few months shy of her 12th birthday. I’m struggling with all of the emotions you share. Guilt, sadness, emptiness. I adopted her at age 2 from the local shelter and she’s been the most constant thing in my life for a decade. Bunny was the sweetest little presence. I remember the sound of her hopping down the stairs to greet me when I got home. Her favorite things were cilantro, outside time on summer mornings, and stretching out under the Christmas tree. She always wanted to be where you were, even if not to interact with you. Toward the end, she was moving less and less. She had severe arthritis which I only realized when she lost the use of her legs. I feel terrible because I knew she wouldn’t recover, but thought there was a possibility I might be able to keep her comfortable. Instead, I believe she spent her final 2 days in terrible pain. I know she’s at peace now. She had a happy life and made mine happier each day. I’ll miss her. Thanks for reading and letting me share my memories.