Reading your comment was like reading my story šŸ˜¢ We …

Comment on Grieving the loss of a rabbit by Olivia.

Reading your comment was like reading my story šŸ˜¢ We lost our baby 2 days ago. Coco was in her enclosure all good throughout the day. We then have her last portion of food before bed and went to sleep. When we woke up she was lying down with eyes half open and not moving. We rushed to the vet straight away. They put her on fluids etc and said they will give her a scan and tests when sheā€™s a bit more stable. She passed that night at 10 o clock. What hurts us the most is that we went to see her and vet said sheā€™s stable and we can see her and give her a toy and fresh blanket and asked us to wait and she will bring her out. Then few minutes later she said she passed just there. She didnā€™t call us into the room when she was passing so she passed on her own with no one she knows around. That broke my heart. She was only 4 years old. We always tried best for her. She was such a good bunny. I feel guilty feeling I didnā€™t do enough. The vet didnā€™t tell us what was the reason for her dying which makes it worse to move on. I feel like it was similar to your bunny as symptoms are almost identical. We are receiving her ashes today and I bearly ate or slept since. The vets were not compassionate and didnā€™t care. Ireland does not specialise in rabbits and the knowledge is not great,
Iā€™m keep blaming myself what if I went to Dublin which is over 2 h drive but has a rabbit specialist. I only found out after she died about that. Wouldā€™ve been too late anyway? I am just so heartbroken šŸ’” šŸ˜ž I donā€™t know how to deal with it the guilt is so strong, my partner and I are finding it very difficult to go back to our normal life.she meant everything to us and there will never be another Coco so we decided not to get another rabbit ever, we would never bond same.