Comment on Grieving the loss of a rabbit by Yesenia.
So sorry for everyone’s loss😢 but reading everyone’s stories has helped me cope with my loss🥺 I lost my favorite special beloved bunny daughter PASSION 🐰 just yesterday morning on my dogs (Simba) birthday that we didn’t even celebrate his birthday as it was too painful losing Passion 😭 I had never bonded with a bunny the way I did with Passion. I’ve been through so much heartache in life and last year I was diagnosed with lupus and other auto immune illnesses that I felt depressed but every time I would go and spend time with Passion she made my worries and anxiety go away! I loved cuddling her chunky face and her entire body and she loved my cuddles as well🥰 I spent mainly my mornings and nights with her. I literally treated her and saw her as one of my daughters because I have 4 human daughters but in my eyes she was the baby 😄 she would bite my walls but I loved her so much that it was hard to get mad at her 😁she would spin for me without me asking her to do so when she wanted he treats. She would lay down by me because she trusted me and that made me feel very special. I knew I was her favorite human because she would lick my hand when I would caress her body and she would run in circles around my feet letting me know she loved me 🥲 I loved holding her and kissing her head and telling her how much I loved her each time that I would see her. She came into mine and my kids life’s making it so much better! She was only 11 months old didn’t even make it to her 1st Birthday 🎂 and that breaks my heart 💜 I’m so heart broken 😞 I feel like the life has been sucked out of me. It’s only been a day without her and I feel like depressed again😣 yesterday was one of the hardest worst days of my life. She died from twisted gut and bacteria. I did everything possible to taking good care of her even would buy her supplements for digestive support since she was very fluffy full of furr everywhere. I fed her hay and Timothy pellets . Kept her cage clean everyday and tried to groom her whenever possible. One day we left her alone in her cage but she had a big area to roam and while we were gone she got out from her living area and probably ingested something so when we came home we found her lose but she seemed her usual self so thought nothing was wrong. Then the next morning one of my daughters fed her and by the afternoon we noticed she hadn’t ate her hay or drank any water. She was just in one spot and wasn’t active like usual and I knew something was wrong the moment I went in her room to check up on her she wasn’t exited to see me like everyday , she just sat their hunched up looking sad 😞 this was on Sunday do the vets were closed or I would have tooken ny baby ASAP to get checked. I stayed all Sunday night with her trying my best to make her feel better but she still wasn’t eating , I would feed her water through a syringe and she would drink but not much. I could tell she was in so much pain and it hurt knowing I couldn’t take her pain away. I massaged her tummy and tried to keep her warm. I also prayed for God to heal her😔 I wasn’t ready to lose my favorite companion, my best friend , my everything! The vet didn’t open till 8 am on Monday so I got my kids to school and took off straight to the nearest vet which is 25 mins away from where I live and she was still in so much pain her eyes half way open and not moving much. On the way to the vet I kept telling her to hold on to hang in their that I was going to get her the hell she needed to survive whatever was going on with her health. Once I got there they didn’t want to see her because she was a rabbit 😡 that made me so mad so I knew in my heart she wasn’t going to make it she already had a-whole day suffering in pain and not eating. Luckily I found a vet that was willing to see her but I still had to drive another 32 miles and by the time I got there passion was in more distress when she saw new humans( vet and assistant) grabbing her to check her so she stressed out and started acting different and that’s when I knew she was living me alone 🥺 she was jerking when the vet was holding her squealing in pain and she pooped one very hard poop and vet said she was goi g to check it for parasites and would be back in 10 minutes so when she left passion started shaking one of her paws and her neck started spasming and she didn’t look well so I yelled to the vet to come get her because she was shaking so the vet and assistant took her to another room and I was feeling so nervous and in 3 mins she came out and told me that Passion had died 😔 it all happened so quick and I went to say my last good bye to my best friend and daughter my baby 😭 she was laying there with her eyes open and her cute little tongue was out. I touched her and cried it was one of the hardest goodbyes for sure !!! I brought her back home with me in a cardboard box 📦 I hate how she died in horrible pain. I just wanted to get her the help she needed and instead I took her for her to only die at a vets. I wish like many on here that I would of caught her symptoms on time but either way the vets are closed on weekends and most don’t see bunnies so it’s tough owing a bunny because they are so fragile but yet really lovable and amazing pets to have. Just sucks how it’s hard to find vets that actually know what to do in bunny emergencies. I’m afraid to get another bunny to bond and then this traumatic event happen again! I don’t think I can put myself through this very painful situation again. With that said no other bunny Will ever replace my dearest Passion. I miss her so much and my hide feels empty without her presence. I had a whole Routine with her and now that’s gone. She passed yesterday morning and my kids helped me dig her grave on our yard and it was hard putting her in their and say goodbye 😩 all I can do is just think about her and our memories and our bond we had. It’s hard letting go I feel so heart broken sad depressed knowing she’s outside in her grave instead of being in her home with me and my kids. May Gods help me mourn her and deal with this immense pain and it me to let her Rest In Peace. She will always be loved by me and never forgotten nor replaced. She will forever hold a Special place in my heart 💜 I’m so grateful for the time I had with her and wish I could have had many more years but only God knows why her life was cut short and like most if you I here I blame myself as well for not taking better care of her. Part of me feels I did ok taking care of her and the other part doesn’t. I just miss her so much 😭 It’s so hard going to her room and not seeing her there happy to see me and ready for her treat and cuddling. I put away some of her belongings but I left her cage untouched I’m not ready to put her space away 🥺