Comment on Grieving the loss of a rabbit by Dante.
Thank you so much for this comment. I don’t think the pain ever goes away i think it just lays dormant until you remember again. May God bless your cute little bunny. I know i cant wait to see mine again one day.
Dante Also Commented
Grieving the loss of a rabbit
We had our sweet little girl named Thumper pass away recently too. She was so sweet and would just loaf up receive all the love i had to give her, she always let me kiss her cute little nose and tell her how cute she was. God i miss her. Such sweet beautiful creatures. I love how the article says when it comes to our pets, we never get enough time with them. And its so true. Whenever i would have feeling of frustration or anger it felt like she would just pull it right out of me and make me happy again. God im gonna miss her. Can wait to see her in heaven.