Comment on Grieving the loss of a rabbit by D.
A week and a half ago we lost our Lola. She was a 10-year-old Netherland dwarf That We rescued at 5 and 1/2 years old. She was an amazing little bunny. In the previous months leading up to her death we noticed her having a harder time breathing when she over exerted herself. I hadn’t been able to really pick her up anymore but had lots of cuddles on the floor. She would still run for her treats and actually became quite affectionate towards us licking us all the time. The night before she died she started really having a hard time breathing I tried calling in so many vets to either get medication to make her more comfortable or to put her to sleep in our home. Nobody could come. I didn’t want to take her to the vet because I knew the car ride and the clinic with all the strangers what traumatize her even more with all the poking and prodding. I knew she was going to pass away and I wanted her to do so in her home with all of her things surrounding her and with Mommy and Daddy. The little trooper hung on until the next morning when she died very peacefully surrounded by her favorite things with us petting her she just slowly stopped breathing. I was grateful it was not traumatic like I had experienced in the past with another rabbit. I am so grateful we were there to soothe her through it. I am so grateful that We rescued this little girl and gave her an amazing life. But oh we miss her so much. Our Lives surrounded her. It is so hard even doing the little things everyday now without her expecting to see her there and she’s not. As someone else mentioned it is even difficult to go to the grocery store because we would buy her kale and lettuce there. It is so hard to go in the produce aisle. Absolutely everything reminds me of her. I keep her urn close because it gives me Comfort. I have no idea what happens to pets when they pass but I really hope they are always around us. We love you so much Lola and miss you so much! What we would give to have you here with us again. I am so grateful for you and all of the joy that you brought us and I hope that you know how much we loved you and still do. We will never forget you! No longer by my side but forever in my heart I love you