Comment on Grieving the loss of a rabbit by Eve.
My little baby Romppe died two days ago at only six years old. She had been having trouble with stasis before and I thought it was the same thing, that I can cure her at home. She went on to fight for 4 days, every day getting better but then worsening again.
She was finally put to sleep after a final attempt at a surgery to fix her. Her liver had become fattened from not eating properly for days. The guilt is crushing me.
Her sister is the only thing keeping me from going insane. She’s such a pure fluffball, and thankfully seems to be doong okay.
My baby was my whole universe. She didn’t deserve to leave so soon. I can’t fathom not being able to see her when I come home, when I wake up, how she wont be waiting for me outside the shower door. How she wont climb over me while I’m sleeping or working, how I will never get to pet her again. She was the sweetest bunny to ever be, and I will always love her.
Sleep tight my baby bun, I’ll see you later.