Comment on Grieving the loss of a rabbit by Jade jarrad.
I lost my lionhead rabbit yesterday his name was simba he was not even 6 months old. He was so beautiful with his ginger fur hence his name. He was so full of energy and loves to explore and run around he loved being around me and my family and our dog. He had been Unwel off and on since I got him he had problems going to the toilet regularly so I had to give him tummy massages every single day and feed him mind and limit his pellets and im reads his fibre with Tim other hay I was with him every day. Yesterday in the uk it was extremely hot I had two fans on him a damp towel in his cage and a couple frozen bottles to help bring his temp down I was with him keeping him as strong feeding him by hand and giving him water by hand but it was was all in vain he ended up having a massive fit all the way to the vets the put him to sleep my poor little baby boy I miss him so much he was sent to me to care for him Baccausw I put everything into him and looking after him and even tho I know I done my best I still feel guilty and lonely and I miss him so much