Comment on Grieving the loss of a rabbit by Zawadi.
Today I lost my couple days old kit. We found him in our front yard abandoned with no sign of a nest or other kits anywhere. We think a snake may have dragged him out but gave up halfway because their seemed to be bite marks on his neck and the top of his head. We had agreed to take care of him as a family and then release him once he was old enough but I ended up being the “parent figure”. He was doing great, fur was coming in, teeth were starting to come in, and I could just tell he would be opening his eyes soon. And then one day I went to check on him and he was cold and lifeless. Not dead but barely alive. I tried to warm him up and thought it was working until he started whining and then he just abruptly stopped breathing. Yes, we only had him for a couple days but I bonded with him in the blink of an eye. And in the blink of an eye he was gone. His name was spider man lol. I can’t help but blame myself though. I feel like I should’ve noticed something sooner and even now writing this it kinda stings to think about. But yea this sucks man. R.I.P Spider-Man❤️