Comment on Grieving the loss of a rabbit by Katie.
My little lady Cocco passed away 4 days ago suddenly an hour after I dropped her and her friend, Butters, to our rabbit vet. I had nursed her through the night – feeds and cuddles before giving them time together to de-stress. I had no idea she wasn’t going to make it. She was about to turn 7. Even the vet was shocked by how sudden it was. Reading this article was nice, because I am absolutely devastated and so many people don’t understand how close owners can be with their rabbits. Butters and Cocco are free roaming house bunnies so they are very much a part of my little family. I’ve been camping out on the lounge room floor with Butters since she’s been gone, and I think he appreciates it. He even did some little zoomies this morning. I really feel for anyone who unexpectedly loses one of their babies.