I’m so grateful I found this site. On the very …

Comment on Grieving the loss of a rabbit by Theresa G..

I’m so grateful I found this site. On the very early morning of December 21, I went to use the bathroom, and on my way, I always pop in to greet my bunnies, George and Charles. They are bonded Holland Lops – George was white with a cute gray triangle on his nose, and Charles is blue gray. I noticed George was laying so still, which is unusual for him. He typically is hopping to be picked up or let out when I get up in the morning, or is throwing his food bowl around, or pestering Charles – his younger companion. Charles was hopping all over George, trying to wake him up. He was booping and sniffing him. I picked him up, and he was so cold. It was the worst feeling, and I have lost so many beloved pets, but this was just so unexpected. He was about 7 years old. I thought I still had more time. I had just played with him the night before, and he was completely happy, active, eating and drinking and going to the bathroom normally. It was like his little clock just ran out. My husband and I had to bury him before I went to work. It was awful. Charles is so lethargic and depressed. I was completely terrified of losing him, too, but he is just grieving. It still hurts so badly. I can just walk around holding Charles, and giving him as much attention as possible. Much love to all of you. This pain is so real, and you are valid in your grief. These guys are family, and so special. I love you so much, George.