Being able to read all these messages left by bereft …

Comment on Grieving the loss of a rabbit by Maria Suppan.

Being able to read all these messages left by bereft rabbit owners..has helped me so much sorry for your heart goes out to each& everyone of you….it is New Years Day 2022..& my beautiful Molly passed away tonight 2hours ago..
.10 years of age she was my sweet darling …so clever & loving…she had had dental probs for the last 5 years..where she would need to have spurs burred down..but always back bushy tailed& bright
eyed ..she absolutely loved her food..especially her favourite ..Apple..only this last 18months theyd found a mass near her lungs ..Bless her..but was on long term meds..& she’d been good….she leaves her sole mate Rooney….awwww love him..we gave left him with her..& will do for as long as he needs
We will do all we can for comfort..& work through our grief together..we were so fortunate @& indeed privileged to know & have Molly in our lives…shd eill always be with us in our hearts..God Bless you my little sweetie … rest in you for always xxxxxxxxxxxxx