Comment on Grieving the loss of a rabbit by Nikki.
Today we lost our Holland Lop. It’ was extremely traumatic. I held it as it took its last breath and squealed in pain. My heart is broken and my children are as well. He left behind his brother. The two of them were very bonded. I believe he died of Flystrike which I had no idea about! His bum kept getting dirty and we bathed him and tried to keep him clean. But I believe something happened in his diet or something he ate. I also noticed him sitting in his poo and tried to move him away from it but he kept going back. I can’t help but feel guilt and it’s an awful feeling that my kids are know grieving another loss. We lost our beloved cat a year ago after having her for 8 yrs and it was devastating. I decided to get the Holland lops for my son to bond to and now we lost him as well. Grief is a awful awful thing to go through. But now I am contemplating getting another rabbit to help the remaining one side they were brothers bonded at birth. I feel terrible and can’t think straight to make that kind of decision as of right now: