Hi Taryne, I am sorry to hear of your loss. Regarding your …

Comment on Grieving the loss of a rabbit by TheRalphSite.

Hi Taryne,

I am sorry to hear of your loss.

Regarding your question about the blanket, there isn’t really a right or wrong answer here. It depends on the individual rabbit left behind. I would suggest that you monitor when she is done with it but at the same time ensure that it does not become a complicated attachment/obsessive issue in which case you may need to remove it. Spend time with her, comfort each other but also maintain some routine. It will take you both time and there isn’t really a fixed time with this.

Condolences again on your loss,


TheRalphSite Also Commented

Grieving the loss of a rabbit
Sorry for your loss. Please join our private Facebook group and ask for advice about this there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theralphsite/

Grieving the loss of a rabbit

Sorry to hear this.

The most immediate and best source of support that we can suggest is to join The Ralph Site private Facebook group. 24/7 support from pet carers who understand. Please consider it.

Thinking of you.

Grieving the loss of a rabbit
I am sorry for your loss, Keeley.

There is a lot of advice in this blog post itself.

There is some other information on this page – it is not specific to rabbits but hopefully helpful.

You could also join our private Facebook group and ask for advice and support there.

Hope that helps a little,


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Hi Angela,

If you are on Facebook, please join our private group. It is such a lovely and like-minded community for empathy and support now and in what is to come. Go here.


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