Comment on Grief without belief: finding comfort without the Rainbow Bridge by RS.
For me i neither believe in the rainbow bridge I don’t believe in an after life and im not an atheist .What I do believe in is the bible and the truth found in it for everyday life and it helps me cope with everything including loss .No where have I found that animals live on somewhere or they are in heaven God’s word accurately states that in order to be saved you need to learn about what God requires animals can not learn about God or reason or pray to God to be in heaven they go by instinct and repetition. But humans can .The bible also does not state that all good humans die and go to heaven either. Now I know people have there own beliefs so I respect there choice and It would not be at all right to tell someone how to grieve or tell them what to believe and what not to believe.God gave all of us freedom to choose .I’m just saying that FOR ME let me say it again FOR ME this is what helped me cope. My animal died and she was one of the best things that happened to me and God helped me endure through praying to him and He also says that when a human dies they do not exist they can’t think or talk or move they are asleep so same with an animal those accurate facts is what helps me to cope THIS IS MY WAY OF COPING knowing the truth About God ,the animals and life and why there is so much suffering and the truth about death especially .