We had a cat that gave birth on our attic …

Comment on Gone too soon: Coping with the loss of a young pet by Nicole.

We had a cat that gave birth on our attic one day and brought them food frequently. We noticed on of the kittens was very ill and tried caring for them there. We found it lying there one day not moving and brought it into our home. It had grown stronger as days went by, until it didn’t. We took it to a vet one day because its eyes were bad and they gave us antibiotical eye caps and eye gel. We continued that way, and noticed the kitten was very bloated. Soon, it started crying on the toilet, then stopped going as frequently, started crying even when lying down, especially when we touched its belly, stopped eating as much, stopped going potty entirely. We took it to the vet as soon as we could, but even they told us that they had low hopes. They instructed us to do an enema at home. When we did, the kitten passed. I will forever remember the cries as we massaged its belly, and the praise I gave when she finally seemed to poop. The praise she no longer heard. Be it my fault for deciding to do the enema, my companion who did the enema and massaged the kitten, or the vet for telling us to do it, deep down I know none of us is to blame, but it can’t be helped. The what-ifs are still in my brain and my mind keeps repeating the last minutes of its life. Would it be alive if we didn’t perform the enema? Or would it just pass at a later time? Would it be okay afterwards? Or would we just be prolonging its suffering?
It was only two months old, but the memories of it climbing our legs to lie on our laps, how it skidaddled to the food when it was still strong and not having such problems, when it pooped after each meal… They turned painful after it’s death.
It was only two months old…