Comment on Why it’s fine to ignore the five stages of grief by Gine Oquendo.
I hope I can do that stages. I can ignore my feelings and I can accept easily. My beloved Shimmer died 2 months ago and I got her in a pet adoption near me. Even I got my new buddy now I’m still missing her. I want to thank you to our friends who sent their sympathy and to WAGS pet adoption for giving me another buddy and helping me to move on. You can inquire about their site, by the way, thank you for sharing.
Recent Comments by Gine Oquendo
Writing your pet loss grief
Losing a beloved pet can be devastating and many pet owners feel grief similar to losing a family member. However, there will come a point when you will want to celebrate your two/four-legged friend’s life and remember the happy times you spend together. For those interested in good quality of pet cremation, you can trust THE PET LOSS CENTER – HAMPTON ROADS. Thank you for sharing.