The firsts of these milestones is the worst. First birthday, …

Comment on Milestones and millstones by Sue.

The firsts of these milestones is the worst. First birthday, Xmas etc so many firsts to endure without my baby boy . These are all major hurdles when he’s been around for so long (15 years). By my side through many house moves, separation from my husband, many job losses, the pandemic and wfh, he was my constant source of comfort, if he was ok then so was I and now he’s gone and my heart is broken 💔

Recent Comments by Sue

Coping with Pet Loss: An Introduction
My grief for the loss of my baby cat has completely overwhelmed me as it has brought up emotions that have been long buried. My depth of love for my furry companion is due to the unconditional love he gave me, unlike people!
My baby boy was so much more than a pet, he was my loyal, faithful companion for nearly 15 years and it has been such a privilege to have had him in my life.

An unrehearsed grief: Why pet loss can feel so challenging
Thank you for this article, it hit the nail on the head for me. I couldn’t hurt anymore if I had lost a human. My home feels dead without my baby, he was my reason to come home and now I don’t have that. He has been by my side for nearly 15 years through lots of ups and downs but he was the constant, my barometer that everything would be ok and now I’ve lost that.
Work are totally unsympathetic treating me like some outcast!
I am getting support from a therapist and my family but these articles are a great help, thanks.

Bereavement, grief and mourning: What’s the difference?
I had been nursing my baby through chronic pancreatitis over the last 9 months and last week he lost the fight. I had him for nearly 15 years. He was the most gentle, loving little man ever. My heart is truly broken. I have had a portrait of him commissioned, photos framed and taken his paw prints to keep him with me. When he comes home it will be in a curled up cat so he can sit in his favourite place in the hearth by the log burner. I will open heart one day to another but right now I need to spend some time in my grief but also without worry as I have worried every time I stepped out the front door as I didn’t want to leave him alone 😿😿