Comment on Anxiety after pet loss by Amy Heater.
My cat had some dementia too and was crying. It was so hard. I didn’t want to lose her. With the dementia they’re like little kids. So innocent and needy. That’s why it’s hard to let them go. It feels like betrayal.
Recent Comments by Amy Heater
Dealing with flashbacks after the death of your pet
I also have trouble coming home and staying alone when my husband goes away
Dealing with flashbacks after the death of your pet
My cat was in stage 2 kidney disease (4is the worst) and she had some senility. I was willing to help her—staying home with her and not rushing to put her down but my husband had recently retired and wanted to travel. He already went to florida for a week without me because I wouldn’t leave our cat—she had terrible separation anxiety. I blame him for us having to put her down. How do I get over that??