Things that go bump in the night!

With Halloween and Bonfire Night almost upon us, we thought it would be useful to take a look at some practical tips to help your pets stay calm amidst the inevitable bangs and whizzes that are all too common at this time of year. Outdoor pets are more exposed to the sights and sounds of […]

Travelling with your pets abroad

With the school holidays already underway for many, families up and down the country will be packing their cases for the annual escape to the sun. (Of course, if you haven’t got school age children, there is no way you will be panning to travel now, when all the tickets and hotel rooms have doubled […]

Tips for Nervous Pets on Bonfire Night

Many pet owners dread this time of year – as bangs, cracks and whizzes from the night sky terrorise their frightened pets. If that sounds familiar, you may find these practical tips and recommended products useful for both you and your pet in the week ahead! Now, in the days before Bonfire Night, start letting […]